Monday, March 9, 2009

NSSHP 2007 Book

Our family went to Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween Party at Walt Disney World in 2007. It was the best trip we've ever taken to Disney, according to my oldest boys. Just the fact that these teen/pre-teen boys had such a blast and were willing to admit it told me that they REALLY loved it. We have loved listening to the event music from it and talking about it so much that I wanted to put some of our pictures together and make some kind of memory book about it.

When Shutterfly sent me a code for a free photobook, I knew just what I wanted to do with it. They've got some fun Halloween backgrounds, so it went together pretty easily. The kids are thrilled that they have a book they can look through to see shots of so many of the fun things we did. I, of course, look at it and wish I had been able to place things a little bit differently or remembered to write one thing or another on certain pages before I published it, but I have to admit that I'm quite thrilled to have it to look through and share with friends and family. Besides, when I combined it with other things I needed to get from the site (I print pictures through them) and with other discount codes, the whole book was totally free and we got a back-up copy for a great price. I love free things - free things that we actually like and use - almost as much as I love a great vacation!

View Project at Shutterfly

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